Wednesday, September 11, 2013

5k Success

Disneyland 5K
Didn't get a shiny medal, but I love my 5k medal. :)

 Best time yet! My last 5K time was forty-five minutes even. Considering we stopped to take pictures twice and slowed down to grab some water without spilling it all over Main Street, this is good. I'd like to think that maybe my actual time was closer to 40 minutes. A girl can dream.

Despite huffing and puffing toward the last mile of the race, I had a generally good time. I think I could do it again. And see if I improve. My big sis wants to run the 10K in January, but with school and all my other commitments I would go crazy and I couldn't handle letting something slip through the cracks and not give it my all.

Maybe I'll work my way up to a 10K. Eventually. I want one of those shiny medals to wear around the parks all day!